Sunday, 13 September 2015

Evaluation of Perspective Drawing

For the task we had to create a perspective art piece within the University environment, with simple line drawings. I picked a specific place within the old parts of the university and for the next 2 hours sketched out the corridor.
The reason why I picked this place is because of the unique corridor arrangement where parts of the building sticks out, so it creates unusual lines.

I enjoyed sketching out parts of the corridor as it gives more of an illustrated feel rather than a drawing with measurements. I did not have a ruler at the time but most lines are perfect. With the small detail such as posters or signs, I just used simple shapes rather than dwell on their types or small details. I was more focused on the environment rather than the posters and doors. For the floor and ceiling I made sure it gets smaller as the corridor goes into a slant, this shows that I can draw from what i see rather than what I should be seeing. The patterns on the floor and ceiling look more 3D as though you can walk down the hallway. With less detail and more walls it looks more ilustrated and if I choose to scan it and redraw on Adobe Illustrator, I can turn it into a graphic poster, fantasy landscape or part of a concept design for a game. To design concepts of art for a gaming or filming company is something that I want to do for a career and I hope to draw more of these in time and to polish my skills.

The difficulties with this type of art is when trying to decide how the lines are placed. For example, I had difficulties drawing the spaces between the doors and the walls. The lines should be more slanted towards the end of the corridor but the more i dwell on it the more it doesn't look slanted or 3D for that matter. My other mistake is drawing the doors first and then the walls, rather than the walls and then the doors. This can turn the drawing flat if i did not notice that the walls look out of place and started the drawing again.I also rushed the piece and left out the large door beside me as I could not get the lines right and decided to keep it out. If i spent more time on the door I could have got it right and have that technique.

In future I believe I should have looked at books that focus on perspective environments so that I have more knowledge on that skill. I should also have tried to draw that door and then re work it later on in future. Overall I am delighted with this piece and hope to draw more drawings like these in future. It can be a great technique to know for illustrations and can open more oppurtunities with drawings. I enjoyed working on perspective drawings and the more I draw, the more I can futher my skills and create bigger pieces.

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