Sunday, 18 October 2015

2nd Media test

Rather than work on products, i thought about creating few textures for buttons and such. I made 2 red buttons on Photoshop that can help me with the products. I also created a glass sphere, my original intent for the kettle. I think i am going to have a go at that kettle again later on.

The buttons were easy to make as it is just extruding and creating the shadows and highlights. I will be using more of them for future products.

The sphere, i made using this helpful tutorial:

I beleive everything in future will be made of strong glass, clean and see through. I never realised how much work there is to be put into a small circle, so creating something big with this technique will be challenging but I should be able to, when I have more time on my hands. I want to make more glass objects, rather than just shapes so I may be researching and do a few of them throughout the month. It can help with one of my product ideas, which involves glass plates and such.

Overall, enjoyed making the glass ball and updating my poor skills on photoshop.

Glass Sphere and button

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