Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Research: Sci Fi Movies "I, Robot"

I have recently bought a few sci fi movies that can help with my product design in the future. Most designers are hired by the filming company to help build futuristic products in sci fi films. I have seen a few last night and will watch the last one tomorrow. I have also purchased a Science magazine called "Whats Next" which looks at new inventions of 2014/2015.

"I, Robot"
The first film i watched was "I, Robot" with Will Smith as the lead. It is set in the year 2035, which is five years later than the original brief. Already the most common product was a helping robot that serves the humans either with deliveries, protection, odd jobs, etc. The robots can't harm the humans (apart from the newest versions but that's not what I am researching atm). The designs of the robots are all thin, with a few metal plates for the chest and head. They do not have facial features apart from the eyes. I think this is so that the humans in the film cannot feel attached to it and see the robots more as a serving ordinary robot. The newest and secondary character "Sunny" is a newer version of the robots with facial features and all white. Although in the film the humans remain with their original robots i did not see the impact that it can cause as he was a defect in the making as sunny has personalities, which can attach the humans such as Susan Calvin who believes that Sunny was unique.

"NS5 or Sonny" robots
Original Robots

For transport the citizens use hover cars that is only 1 foot off the ground, so it can't fly upwards. The car also has an auto pilot as the speed is well over 100mph. The driver can have the option to drive but can be difficult to control the speed, which is the downfall of the product. The main character, Detective Spooner, still has an old motorbike that he uses when his car gets destroyed. Most disagree with his choice such as Susan Calvin, who says that "Gas can explode" so that means that the scientists has found another source of fuel that's not gas and cannot easily explode. The car concept has been created for the film by Audi and named the car Audi RSQ. This is promote the company, which can be seen in other product placements like Converse or FedEx. The film has the most product replacements than any other film.

Audi RSQ

The doors are accessed by a key card or by DNA of the home owner, which is useful as it can be hard to lose. There is also an automatic identification machine in labs that can scan a users card and identify them to access.

Mobile phones are the way of the past as users can only use ear pieces to phone, with a voice recognition to bring up contacts. Its effective for using in cars and doesn't provide distraction with apps or games like a normal android would have. This can be something to consider with the brief as I would have to look at certain head and ear gear. Sunglasses can also be used to calculate how far the destination is or on coming traffic. Black shades are better to stop the light in the eyes and to hide from others when searching the internet. A product has already been invented called "Google Glass" which is just regular glasses, but in the users vision is a computer screen that can communicate with others, video, take pictures, search online, etc. The retail price for them is £1500 but hopefully for the price will go down once other companies design them. The difference between the movies glasses and Google glasses is that its not shades and can access the internet.

"Mobil Phone" and "Glasses"
Users can also provide holograms of themselves rather than notes. Users can ask the holograms questions, which can answer correctly. However, the holograms must be given the right questions for them to answer, which can be difficult for the user to ask if it is all incorrect.

Hologram of "Dr. Lanning"
Medicine has been improved as amputees can not acquire robotic limbs and organs. Detective Spooner received a robotic arm, which has 10X the strength of an original human arm and can be repaired by a spray on latex skin. He lost his arm after a car accident, which a robot saved his life than the little girl due to survival rates and this started his distrust in robots from then. The arm cannot be damaged and appears to be very light if a normal human can lift it. He also received a robotic lung but just acts as a normal organ.

Robotic arm and latex skin

Lastly, EVERYTHING is voice activated. Doors, music players, tvs and even desktop computers have voice recognition software. There wouldn't be a use for remotes or buttons but can be very hard to work with if the computer doesn't recognise your voice if you have a cold, an accent or is defective. Also if multiple people used voice recognition then everyone can listen in to what your commands are or the computer will be confused on what user is using that computer.

Trying to control a remote control CD Player

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